March 25, 2025


Hello everyone… In our previous article, we talked about foods that make you lose weight fast. This time our topic is different: “Vegan Nutrition”.

If your coffee is ready, we can start 🙂

Vegan Nutrition

In recent years, there is a trend that has become very popular in Turkey as well as all over the world: Vegan nutrition. Over the past few years, vegan products have also increased in demand after many famous names have announced that they are vegan. Therefore, many people who are interested in healthy living have also become interested in veganism.

The questions asked to people who declare that they are vegan are always the same. Why did you become vegan? What do vegans eat? Is a vegan diet healthy? What are the benefits of a vegan diet? All of these questions are quite appropriate, considering our traditional diet for centuries, because the vegan diet overturns these established dietary habits. But how?

What is Vegan Nutrition?

The term vegan was first used in 1944 when a group of vegetarians left the Leicester Vegetarian Society in England to form the Vegan Society. This group of people refuses to consume all animal foods, including milk and eggs, as well as meat products. Today, vegan nutrition is seen not only as a diet, but also as a way of life. Vegans are no longer just consuming animal products. In addition, they do not use any animal products or anything that has been tested on animals.

Although the motivations of those who prefer a vegan diet are different from each other, such as ethics or health, the foods you should not eat as a vegan are basically clear:

  • White meat
  • Red meat
  • The fish
  • Seafood such as mussels
  • Dairy products
  • Honey

What Do Vegans Eat?

The answer to this most frequently asked question about vegans is quite simple: All foods of non-animal origin. Avoiding animal foods doesn’t mean having to eat tofu, which is popular with vegans as just a vegetable or a type of soy product. Turkey, in particular, is a very diverse country in this regard. Protein-rich pulses are the biggest savior of vegans in our country. From meatballs made of chickpeas to vegan hamburgers made with a kind of mashed potato, many options allow vegans to enjoy their meals just as much as non-vegans.

Giving up dairy products is no longer a problem for vegans these days. Milk made from almond or soy has taken its place on supermarket shelves. Vegan cheeses produced in Turkey are highly preferred by vegans due to their affordable prices.

Benefits of a Vegan Diet

The first motivation that comes after ethical reasons in choosing a vegan diet is health. One of the benefits of a vegan diet is that it reduces the risk of heart disease. In addition, the most well-known benefits of vegan nutrition are that it has a protective feature against type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. In addition to all these, the scientifically proven benefits of vegan nutrition are as follows:

  1. A vegan diet is much richer in various nutrients than other diets. A person who gives up animal foods naturally turns to different foods. It has been scientifically proven that vegans who consume more vegetables, fruits and legumes get more potassium, magnesium, vitamins A and E.
  2. It is known that veganism helps to get rid of excess weight because it is a plant-based eating habit. The reason for this is thought to be because the vegan diet keeps calorie intake low.
  3. Being vegan also provides some benefits against type 2 diabetes and liver disorders. A vegan diet is also predicted to lower blood sugar and prevent advanced health problems.
  4. According to the World Health Organization, most types of cancer can be prevented by diet. Studies show that vegans have a 15% lower risk of developing cancer due to their diet.
  5. It is known that consuming more vegetables and fruits reduces the risk of heart disease. Scientific studies show that vegans are 42% less likely to die from heart disease than non-vegans.
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