March 28, 2025



With ten minutes to spare for yourself, you can have a brighter, rested and healthy gaze. How Does? This is possible with eye yoga!

Today, we see that most exercise applications come up with limited and only physical aspects such as abdominal muscles or breathing exercises. We can ignore working on organs or muscles that we cannot see, such as our eyes. However, in our age where vision is limited to small screens, our lifestyle has made us more susceptible to diseases such as dry eye and eye pain. Working long hours in front of the screen and spending too much time on the phone both invites eye diseases and causes us to have more tired and unhealthy looks. According to the Global Mobile User Research, mobile users in Turkey can’t help but look at their mobile phone an average of 78 times a day, that is, once every 13 minutes. 22% of users are addicted. This means that one out of every five people is a phone addict. Applications such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook increase the number of this addiction day by day. Therefore, our organs, our eyes, which are always open to possible infections, are also seriously affected by this addiction. It causes us to be exposed to many diseases from myopia to vision loss. It is possible for us to keep our eyes healthier and more dynamic by keeping them as far away from the harmful external factors as possible and by supporting them with eye yoga.

So what is eye yoga?

Eye yoga helps to stretch and strengthen the muscles around the eyes by enabling them to work. Since these muscles are activated, the muscles are prevented from becoming lazy. The area where eye yoga is applied looks tighter, more lifted and healthier. It is known that under-eye bruises have a positive effect on the reduction of wrinkles and sagging around the eyes. Eye yoga is a method that provides shaping of the eyebrow structure and a better appearance of the under-eye pits.

Eye yoga not only promises you an aesthetic appearance, but even if we do not have enough scientific data, it is among the opinions of those who practice eye yoga that it is good for dry eyes and eye pain, slows the progression of eye pressure, increases the focusing ability of the eyes. There is some evidence that it helps relieve symptoms of eyestrain. Paul McCartney, a famous 78-year-old musician who practices eye yoga, does not wear glasses and says he owes this to the eye yoga he learned in India. It is really unusual for a 78-year-old person to be able to read without glasses, although scientists do not yet support this view.

Eye yoga is also practiced as meditation. In stressful environments, it helps to relieve stress and increase our resilience. Eye yoga is one of the methods used to determine your focus, to ensure your concentration, to increase mind awareness and to achieve a high sense of calm.

Thanks to very simple movements, by practicing regular eye yoga techniques, you will feel the improvement and relaxation in your eyes! If you have diseases such as blindness, corneal diseases, cataracts, you should not try eye yoga. If you do not have a disease that will progress with these exercises, you should definitely consult your doctor before applying the mentioned methods.

So how is eye yoga done?

You will not need any accessories or yoga mat for this. You can do this extremely useful application without leaving your seat. First of all, take care to keep your head, neck and spine straight throughout the exercise.

1. Palm

-Close your eyes and stay quiet and try to relax by breathing

-Make your palms warm by rubbing them together, then place them on your eyelids without applying too much pressure.

-Feel the relief and warmth. After relaxation, slowly raise your hands and take a break. Repeat 3 times.

2. Blinking Eyes

-Relax and sit in a sitting position with your eyes open.

Blink your eyes 10 times quickly and allow yourself 20 seconds, close your eyes and rest. Repeat this application 5 times.

3. Looking Sideways

First, sit in a straight position.

-Make fists with your thumb pointing up and curl your arm up at your elbow.

– Take care to keep your head steady.

– Focus on the middle space, right thumb, middle space, left thumb exercise in order. Repeat this exercise 10 times and rest.

4. Looking Forward and Sideways

-Sit in a straight position.

-Make a fist with your right thumb pointing up and place it on your right knee.

– Keep your eyes at eye level, then look at the right thumb, then bring your gaze back to the middle point you have determined.

– Do this exercise with your left thumb. Repeat 5 times on both sides.

5. Rotation

-Sit in a straight position.

-Make a fist with your right thumb pointing up and hold it above your right knee.

-Make sure your elbow is straight. Keeping your head still, focus your eyes on your thumb.

-Make circular movements with your thumb, clockwise and counterclockwise respectively, and follow your finger with your eyes.

-Repeat the same exercise with your left side.

-Take a break later.

6. Looking Up and Down

-Sit in a straight position.

-Make a fist with your right thumb pointing up and place it on your knee.

-Pull your thumb up as high as you can and. Keep your head still and focus your eyes on your thumb. Bring your thumb down again.

-Make sure the neck and spine are straight.

-Repeat the same exercise with your left hand.

-Repeat the exercise 5 times in both arms and then rest your eyes.

7. Looking at the Tip of the Nose

– Sit cross-legged.

-Raise your right arm in line with your nose.

– Make a fist with your right thumb pointing up.

-Focus your eyes on the fingertip.

– Bend your arm at the elbow and slowly bring it towards the tip of your nose. Stay in this position for a while and move your finger away again, continuing the eye tracking. This is how a round is completed.

– Do 5 rounds with your right or left arm.

8. Near and Far

– Stand or sit in front of a window. Look at the horizon line.

– Keep your arms at your side and bring your focus slightly towards the tip of your nose.

Stare at this spot for 5-10 seconds and slowly return your focus to the horizon.

– Repeat the exercise about 10-20 times.

– Close your eyes and rest.

After completing the whole exercise, feel your eyesight relax. You will feel the benefits with regular eye yoga practice. Of course, even though regular yoga practice can bring healing, know that this practice will not replace medical treatment. It is also very important to learn and practice yoga with an instructor. But if you have a medical condition, you should consult your doctor first.

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