March 28, 2025


If you have acne and acne problems, you may be wondering about the list of foods that cause acne. If you have acne-prone skin regardless of puberty, it is not easy to get rid of this situation. Regulating your eating habits may be a much better solution instead of external solutions such as medication. So, which foods cause acne? Here are the foods we should stay away from to have smooth skin and get rid of acne!

Foods That Cause Acne

Acne is known by its medical name as acne. It is a skin disease that almost all people have, especially in adolescence. The types of oils in the foods we consume are very important for the health of our skin. Fats in fast food are processed, they are harmful to the skin because they are not natural. Hormones, environmental effects, inflammation and some nutrients are the leading causes of acne. In particular, there are people who do not know how effective oily foods are on acne. It is possible to support your skin health by browsing the list of foods that cause acne. Now, let ‘s explain what are the foods that cause acne.

Processed Grains

Processed foods and foods containing carbohydrates lead to acne formation on the skin. People who include processed foods in their diet are more likely to encounter acne and acne problems. We can categorize processed grains as follows:

  • Bread
  • breakfast cereal
  • Cracker
  • White flour desserts
  • Pastry Foods
  • white rice
  • Noodles made from rice
  • Pasta made with white flour


Chocolate is one of the foods that cause acne. Chocolate, which gives the hormone of happiness and is indispensable for sweet crises, has a connection with the formation of acne. According to studies, people who consume chocolate twice a day are more likely to develop acne problems within 2 weeks. Therefore, it is useful not to exaggerate the consumption of chocolate.


Processed foods and sugar-containing foods lead to oily skin and acne formation over time. Increasing the insulin level can maximize sebum production, which causes the skin cell to grow rapidly. This accelerates the formation of acne. In order to protect your skin health, you should not consume excessive sugar-containing foods. Sugar-containing foods that trigger acne:

  • Honey
  • carbonated drinks
  • sugary drinks
  • agave syrup
  • maple syrup

Dairy products

Studies on teenagers have revealed a link between dairy product consumption and acne. The fact that milk consumption raises insulin levels in humans is explained as the cause of acne formation. The amino acids contained in cow’s milk cause the liver to produce even more IGF-1. It is emphasized that IGF-1 causes acne and pimple formation. There is a lot of research currently being conducted to uncover the link between dairy products and adult acne. Consuming some dairy products frequently can trigger acne formation. These:

  • Fatty Cheese
  • Cow milk
  • Fat yogurt

Fried Foods

Another factor that causes acne is the consumption of fried food. Foods like french fries, deep-fried meatballs, onion rings not only increase your weight but can also make your skin acne and acne prone. Regular consumption of oil-fried foods can make your skin oily, which in turn promotes acne.

Whey Protein Powder

If you say which foods cause acne and you want to get rid of acne; You should also stay away from whey protein powder. Whey protein powder is mostly consumed by people who go to the gym and want to develop their muscles. It is a rich source of protein and amino acids such as leucine and glutamine. It can cause an increase in the hormone called IGF-1, also known as insulin-like growth factor 1. An increased level of this hormone can also trigger acne and pimples.

Foods Containing Omega-6

If you already have acne-prone skin, it is very important to avoid foods containing Omega-6 oils. These foods include soybeans, cereal, sunflower oil and nuts. These foods are oily by nature and can cause your skin to become even more oily. These can lead to more acne breakouts on your skin and can also cause painful breakouts.


Eating bananas has health benefits (especially in the morning), but if your current reality is not smooth skin, you should take a break from banana consumption for a while. Because when you exaggerate your banana consumption, it is highly likely that you will encounter acne and acne problems.

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