March 25, 2025


There is no one who has not heard of yoga. Yoga is one of the activities that relax the soul. In this article, we told you about the benefits of Yoga.

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga, which has become very popular in our country in recent years, is one of the first choices of those who want to protect their health naturally and who are after a mental recovery. Among the benefits of yoga is the development of mind and body health in harmony. Despite this, contrary to misconceptions, it is not a sport but a system of philosophy.

With more than 100 different types or teachings, this practice usually consists of meditation, breathing exercises and various poses. These Yoga poses, also called asanas, enable different muscle groups to work with various stretching movements. What makes it so attractive is that it is actually a very simple application. By taking as little as half an hour a day, you can ensure that your body has the power to heal itself.

What is Yoga?

The shortest answer to the question of what is yoga would be an exercise that focuses on the breath and is done to feel good physically and spiritually. Especially for people living in the city and exposed to stress in daily life, the most important advantage of this exercise is that it prevents or reduces stress. It also increases strength and flexibility.

The first purpose of yoga is a little different from the sports practices it is compared to. It is preferred to increase awareness and create a harmony between the soul and the body. In addition to these, there are some very tangible benefits of yoga. These include improving respiratory and heart health, preventing mental health problems such as depression, and strengthening muscles.

What are the benefits of yoga?

It is known that Yoga, which is very popular all over the world, especially in Western countries, has many benefits for both mental and physical health. Although some of the benefits of yoga do not have a scientific basis, the scientific benefits of yoga are as follows:

  1. The first answer to the question of what are the benefits of yoga would be to reduce stress and provide relaxation. Scientific research reveals that yoga practices reduce the hormone Cortisol, which causes stress in our body.
  2. Many people, when asked why they started Yoga, bring up the argument that it is good for anxiety disorder. The interesting thing is that this is indeed true. Studies have proven that yoga practice and exercises, especially when combined with meditation, reduce anxiety.
  3. Among the benefits of yoga for the body, the most well-known is that it reduces the risk of heart disease. When it comes to body health, the heart is the first thing that comes to mind as the most important organ that affects the well-being of our entire body. Of course, proper nutrition plays a big role in heart health as well as yoga and sports.
  4. Some researches show that Yoga also has an antidepressant effect and reduces the symptoms of depression. The fact that it reduces the hormone cortisol and affects the level of the hormone Serotonin in the body proves this situation.
  5. Improving the quality of sleep is the primary motivation for people all over the world to start Yoga. It is also supported by scientific research that when Yoga is added to the daily routine, the sleep pattern settles and becomes better quality.
  6. Many people find that practicing Yoga improves flexibility and balance. They are very right. Studies show that certain Yoga postures or poses really make the body more balanced and flexible.
  7. The breathing style known as Pranayama, unique to yoga, improves breathing and, as a result, helps maintain respiratory health. Some studies have concluded that this aspect of yoga also reduces the symptoms of asthma.
  8. Yoga is known as a light “sport” because it usually consists of various poses and meditation methods. However, although Yoga is not a sport, it definitely increases physical strength.


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