Everyone has a beauty secret. Many of these are methods that you can apply at home in your own way. In our previous article, we told you about the methods you can apply at home. In this article, we describe different methods.
Beauty Secrets for All Skin Types
Beauty secrets are something passed down from generation to generation. Definitely tried and tested. The most important feature of beauty secrets is that they offer the advantage of being completely natural. It would be best to choose routine care and methods that are suitable for your skin type. Because every application may not be compatible with your skin and you may not get effective results. Therefore , you should make sure that you choose the right methods to do the right skin care. Here are the beauty recipes that adapt to every skin type!
Beauty Secrets for Oily Skin
- If you have oily skin, you can use tomatoes. Cut the peeled tomatoes into thin slices and mash them. Then apply it to your skin. Being a good natural toner, tomato will moderate the sebum production on your skin.
- You can try apple to eliminate the oily look on your face. For this, clean the skins of one apple and mash it. Then gently rub applesauce on your forehead and cheeks.
- The use of milk is also considered among the beauty secrets. You can drip raw milk onto a cotton ball and massage it into your skin.
- Another application that is considered among the beauty secrets for oily skin is made with eggs. Blend the boiled egg with a blender to a soft consistency. You can add oatmeal to it and apply the mixture on your skin.
- You can mix freshly squeezed lemon juice with milk and clean your skin with a cotton ball. We recommend waiting at least 5-10 minutes before rinsing with water.
- You can consume freshly squeezed orange or apple juice at least 3 times a week to reduce the amount of oil on your skin. Apple and orange juice balance the oil production of the skin.
- You should take care to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day to keep your skin moist and toxin-free and to prevent excessive oil production.
- You can use tea tree oil to cleanse your skin naturally. You can drip 1-2 drops of pure tea tree oil on a cotton ball and apply it to the oily parts of your face. You can also clean your face with soap containing tea tree oil.
Beautiful Secrets for Dry Skin
Dry skin, which has less moisture and oil content than all other skin types, needs special care. Lack of moisture can cause the skin to dry out in a short time, making it look bad and unhealthy. Lack of oil leads to moisture imbalance in the skin. Dry skin can show imperfections and wrinkles more prominently. Especially in the winter season, it poses a great danger for dry skin.
- If you have dry skin, you can benefit from the power of avocado. You can mash an avocado and a banana and apply it to your skin.
- For dry skin that needs moisture and hydration, you can use a deep nourishing cream or lotion. Even just glycerin can moisturize your skin.
- If your skin is peeling, you can apply an effective natural treatment method by dripping olive oil on a cotton ball. You do not have to wash your skin at the end of the procedure.
- Another method that is great for dry skin is the use of milk. You can drip raw milk on cotton and apply it to dry and rash areas on your skin.
- The best thing you can do to keep your skin hydrated and healthy is to drink enough water daily. We also recommend consuming freshly squeezed fruit juices.
Beauty Secrets for Sensitive Skin
If your skin is prone to rashes, you have dry and sensitive skin. In sensitive skin, acne and pimple formations can also occur more easily. That’s why extra care routine is of great importance. We can list the right skin care recommendations for sensitive skin as follows:
- Be gentle when washing your face. You should be careful when applying a mask or cleaning your skin.
- The best natural treatment for sensitive skin is a mixture of a pinch of turmeric powder and 2 tablespoons of rose water. Apply this mask to your face with soft movements. After waiting for about 5 minutes, you can wash your skin.
- Masks with mint extract are also ideal for sensitive skin. You can pass the mint leaves through a blender and apply it to your face. Especially if you have acne and acne problems, you can evaluate the mint mask.
- You can use the honey and avocado mask routinely and add beauty to your beauty. You can be sure that the avocado and honey duo will work wonders on your skin.
- Especially sensitive skin owners should use sunscreen when going out, regardless of summer or winter.
- If your scalp is suitable for dandruff production, rashes may occur on your face after a while. For this reason, you can choose special products to get rid of the dandruff problem.
- Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day and try to sleep 8 hours regularly.
- Having a healthy diet will also benefit your skin. Therefore, you should pay attention to the consumption of vegetables and fruits. If you consume healthy foods, you should not forget that you can have a wonderful skin thanks to antioxidants and vitamins.
Care Routine for Every Skin Type
Establishing a skincare routine can be difficult. There are thousands of products on the market. However, you should know that you do not need all of these products. If you want to have a dazzling skin with beauty secrets suitable for every skin type, you can follow the steps below!
Cleanse Your Skin
Cleansing is an important step for all skin types. Cleanse your face of dirt and residues with a cleansing product suitable for your skin type. You can apply a water-based cleanser to your face to start the day clean. You need to make sure that the product you use will not dry your skin. If you have extremely oily skin, it would be good to do a second cleanse. After the skin cleansing process, you should not forget to dry your face with a soft towel.
Moisturize your skin
Our beauty secrets article continues with the skin moisturizing step. You can use a face serum if you wish. Don’t let the word serum scare you. Facial serums will make your job easier to apply a professional skin care at home. With serums with various active ingredients, you can instantly moisturize the skin and balance your skin. Then you should use a cream with moisturizing properties. You should choose a specially formulated moisturizing cream that is not greasy and sticky.
Take Care of Your Eye Area
You may be taking care of your face, but what about your eye area? You should definitely not neglect this area. Special care for the eye area, which is considered among the beauty secrets, will alleviate the appearance of signs of aging. You can use a specially produced under-eye cream or gel for this process. With products formulated only for the sensitive eye area, you can moisturize this area and minimize the appearance of possible wrinkles. Also, if you are experiencing problems such as under-eye puffiness, you can use rose water. Let’s say that rose water is incredibly effective in this regard.
Protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun
The use of sunscreen is also among the beauty secrets. Do you know that you need to use sunscreen during all four seasons? Regardless of your skin type, you should definitely use sunscreen to protect yourself against the harmful rays of the sun. Exposure of your skin to the sun can cause dryness, blemishes and even skin cancer.
Homemade Mask Recommendations for All Skin Types
Our beauty secrets article continues with homemade mask suggestions. You can have a flawless look with homemade masks that you can prepare with only the materials at home, without any extra expense.
Cocoa Mask
How about getting better with a cocoa mask? You can benefit from the extremely moisturizing, skin-soothing and nourishing properties of cocoa. For this mask recipe, you should mix a quarter avocado, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of cocoa and apply it to your skin. After about 10 minutes, you can rinse your skin with warm water.
Honey Mask
Honey is a natural antibacterial. It moisturizes and brightens your skin and also fights acne problems. Honey mask is of great importance among the beauty secrets. This miraculous nutrient also tightens the skin barrier and helps shrink skin pores. You can add 1 tablespoon of honey to 1 cup of brewed and cooled chamomile tea and apply the mixture to your skin. After 5-10 minutes, you should rinse your face.
Banana Mask
If you want your skin to look healthy and radiant, you can evaluate the banana mask. A great option for all skin types, the banana mask can be easily prepared and applied. You can mash half a banana and apply it to your skin. After 10 minutes, you should purify the mask.
Papaya Mask
You will not believe the effects of the papaya mask, which has become one of the most talked about beauty secrets of recent times! This mask, which is especially effective in hyperpigmentation, can improve sunspots and uneven skin tones and provide moisture balance of the skin. You should mix half a glass of papaya puree with 2 tablespoons of honey and apply it to your face with slow movements. After a maximum of 15 minutes, you should wash your face with warm water.
Our article on beauty recipes suitable for all skin types has ended here. We hope that the information we share will add beauty to you!